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Other professionals
Hello - I'm so pleased you popped-in to take a look at who I am and what I do.
I do very much value and embrace opportunities to work in a multi-agency manner with allied agencies and services spanning health services, social care and 3rd sector agencies (charities), so I am pleased you have found me/my website.
Due to the manner in which my work is commissioned (primarily through Service Level Agreements with educational settings) I am not currently able to take referrals for individual case work from professionals in other settings. If you have concerns about a student in a school, I would recommend that you liaise first with the school SENDCO to enquire about engaging the services of an EP through their regular, commissioned EP.
That said, I recognise that the fact you are currently reaching out to me suggests you may have explored that option without success. So, what else can you do?
If the student attends a setting that has an agreement in place with me, I am happy to speak to you, informally, and confidentially, about your concerns and see if there is anything I can do to help. (Unsure? - Send me a quick email with the school name and I'll let you know ASAP).
Otherwise, I would suggest liaising with SEN Services in the Local Authority for that particular school.
If the student is not currently on roll with an educational setting, I may be able to give generic advice on how to proceed and I'm happy to take an enquiry.
You can find my contact details in the ‘Contact’ section.